Executive & Leadership Coaching

Leaders of companies have a huge impact on the direction and effectiveness of their organizations and the people who work in them. While most executives are highly competent individuals, sometimes the very fact that they are the boss, leads to a filtering of information coming in and a "tunnel vision" based on the leader's expectations—people may agree simply because the boss is the boss.

Having an independent, unbiased, and objective mechanism to truly guide the leader is very important.

This is where Leadership Coaching comes in.

The Return

The return on investment for Executive Coaching has been shown to be enormous. A study published at the International Coaching Federation Conference showed an ROI six times the cost of the coaching.

In another study, nearly 80% of executives reported that the coaching had a "significant' or "very significant" effect on their performance.

Individual executives and leaders report both greater effectiveness and an increased sense of satisfaction with their work as a result of effective coaching.

The Relationship

Building a relationship based on the trust and rapport between the coach and the executive allows the coach to acquire the critical insights necessary to help guide the leader.

It also allows the Corvus expert to, when necessary, tell the sometimes critical truths in a way that the executive can hear and respond to.

Coach and Leader

Having a strong coaching relationship means the coach and leader can explore the difficult and often repetitive problems that the executive experiences—without being judgmental. This lets the coach facilitate a discovery process without advising a specific solution, which keeps the ownership of the issue where it belongs—with the leader.

Doing this, the executive acquires new ways of looking at issues and allows resolution of what might otherwise be career limiting leadership challenges.

Personal Assessment

An early step in executive coaching is to assess where leaders are on their journey toward leadership excellence. How do they process information and make decisions? What professional experience have they had and how has that molded them? What motivates them? What do they want from their career?

We apply a wide range of proven assessment instruments from the areas of leadership, OD, and neuroscience to give the leader usable insights into behavior and motivation.

This sets the stage for a focused coaching approach that helps the executive play to strengths and address limitations and challenges.

360 Degree Surveys

Good leaders internalize and operationalize the knowledge of how they interact with the people who work for them, their peers, and those they report to. Key elements in acquiring this knowledge are 360º surveys that are carefully curated, crafted, executed, and analyzed.

We can compare the results of such surveys to industry and organizational norms to draw out key aspects of the impact of a leader on the organization they serve.

Carefully timed follow-up surveys provide additional insights into the executive's growth and clear evidence of improvement in their leadership development.